
  • We charge an hourly rate of £35 for our administration services. We work on a retainer basis, with a minimum of 8 hours booked per month
  • Social Media Management is offered as a package. People who work with us typically invest around £700, with a 3 month minimum commitment
  • Content Creation and Strategy prices start from £400
  • Social Media Audits are £125 per platform
  • Power hours are £149 (includes a mini audit, a 1 hour 1:1 session with me and a PDF of the audit/notes from our session)
  • Nurture package £499 (includes a mini audit, 3 x 1 hour 1:1 sessions with me, a PDF of the audit/notes from our session + 7 days access to me after the final call)
We always offer bespoke pricing for social media management and content creation to ensure that we understand your goals and aims, giving you a service that will help you to achieve these.

Get started now - book a call, or make an enquiry, so that we can discuss in more detail how we can best support you!

I am professionally insured through PolicyBee